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Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | Emily Chappell Photography


Boat proposal in the Philippines 

We were on our first trip together over international waters visiting my family in the Philippines. Part of the family vacation was enjoying Coron, Palawan – a really beautiful cluster of islands! He proposed on the first day of island hopping, at the very last stop for the day: Twin Lagoon.

Our tour guide had been taking amazing, Instagram-worthy photos of our family all day, even using props and helping us pose! I didn’t think twice when we approached Twin Lagoon and he started giving Duke and I instructions for a unique photo he had in mind. Duke and I got into our pose at the bow of the boat but when I turned around, there he was on one knee, asking me to marry him, in front of my entire family! If anyone knows anything about me it’s that I love the ocean and I love my family. It was truly the perfect proposal!

To keep it secure, he didn’t open the ring box until we were back in the middle part of the boat. He opened it. I looked at the ring and then out at the ocean. The color-matched exactly, a beautiful Deep Teal Sapphire. Everything about the proposal was entirely “me” and I’m so grateful to have found my soulmate who knows and loves me so completely and fully.


Saturday, February 8th, 2020

photo | Sloane Photo by Shannon Wilson


Sunset beach proposal

My fiancé and I had a beach trip planned in July with two other couples. We were all heading down to Seagrove, Florida, for a whole week of rest, relaxation and sunshine. The length of our stay would fall on my birthday, too! What better way to spend your birthday than at the beach! I knew that one of the couples we were sharing the beach house with had lots of talk about engagement. They already had the engagement ring bought, talked about it being a destination wedding and what month it could fall in. Everything was pretty much planned BUT the actual proposal. I was VERY adamant that he was going to propose to her on the beach. Dead set. I would talk talk talk to my fiancé (then boyfriend) about it along with the other couple. “Do you think he’s going to do it tonight when we take a walk on the beach?!” “Are her nails done?” “I wonder how he’s going to do it!” The conversations flowed so naturally – I never second guessed the possibility that I was going to be the one getting proposed to on this trip.

We had all originally planned on taking group pictures on the Friday before we left. The all white, super tan, kneeling/standing/sitting on the beach pictures. I call them the “beach cult pictures.” If you know, you know. My fiancé told me that plans had changed and we were going to take them on Monday instead. I was not pleased. Monday?! I wouldn’t even be at my most tan on Monday! I started to refuse to go. “No, y’all can just go, and I’ll stay here. I won’t be ready in time… I just showered… y’all go.” Looking back on it now I’m sure he was squirming trying to figure out how the heck to get me down to the beach. With a little coaxing from the girls in the group I reluctantly got ready. The girls texted the group message saying they were going to go ahead and walk down to the beach and meet us. Again, didn’t think ANYTHING of it.

As I walked down the stairs I noticed that the kitchen looked like whoever was in there last dropped everything and ran. The tv was still on, food was in my fiancé’s god daughter’s high chair, all the lights were still on… STILL didn’t think ANYTHING of it.

Brock and I walked down to the beach right at sunset surveying around us as we took the steps onto the sand looking for our friends. We kept walking and walking until I finally stopped and asked where in the world they were. Brock wouldn’t answer me but kept checking his phone. I noticed something out of the corner of my left eye. It looked like a pile of rocks. As I walked closer, I noticed there we little votive candles in this “pile of rocks.” My heart dropped. Was this for me?! Was he going to propose?! Surly not… he said we would wait closer until when I make the move from Texas to Arkansas to be with him. My heart was beating out of my chest. It was in the shape of a heart with votives and seashells alternating. Inside the heart spelled out “Marry me?” in seashells of different sizes. My heart was now beating so loud I could hear it in my ears…This has to be for us! Oh, how romantic to be proposed to on the beach!… until he walked right past it.

Brock stopped ahead of me, looked around and then told me that our friends were back the way that we just came. “Are you kidding me… why don’t you just call them to figure out where they are instead of waiting for them to text you back.” He trailed behind me as I picked up my pace heading back to where we originally started from. When I realized he wasn’t next to me, I turned around to see him stopped at the spot where the beautiful proposal was. Instantly my knees went weak and my palms started sweating. It was really happening… the man of my dreams was down on one knee asking me to spend the rest of my life with him.


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | The Tarnos


He proposed on the beach in Maui

Maui is a very special place to me and my family; it’s the place where I’ve celebrated countless birthdays, met lifelong friends and made lasting memories with my dad. In 2018, Austin was able to join us for a second time, and there’s nothing I love more than having my two favorite guys in the same place.

Because my birthday was the week prior, I had decided I wanted to take some fun photos on the beach together and booked a photographer. Unbeknownst to me, Austin found the photographers Instagram, and together they planned the best evening of my life. In hindsight, I probably should’ve known something was up when he didn’t complain about having to take pictures.

During the shoot, I was completely oblivious to the box poking out of his pocket and how visibly nervous he was. But, we were having such a fun time laughing and taking in the views; I honestly didn’t think the day could get better.

About half way through our session, while standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, our photographer had us turn away from each other under the guise of wanting to “capture our reactions when we see each other”. In that moment, I totally knew something was up, but Austin couldn’t make it that easy; he faked me out not one but two times! Then, just as I was getting annoyed and disappointed, on that third and final turn I saw that he had dropped to one knee. He may have forgotten every word of his two paragraph proposal and I may have lost my voice from screaming “YES,” but it was the most perfect moment of our lives.”


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | The Lockharts


A rooftop proposal

For some background, I was about a year out of college when Will and I first met. It was the 4th of July weekend, and my roommate and I went up to the rooftop of our apartment building to enjoy some drinks and watch some fireworks. Enter, Will and his friend. Will and I hit it off and have been together ever since. Fast forward to me progressing in my job which led me to move to DC and then LA, so we have been doing long distance for about three years.

So this particular weekend, I was visiting him in Dallas for his company’s annual party. While I was getting ready, Will mentioned that his co-worker’s car broke down and he needed a ride, so he asked if we could pick him up. I agreed to since I wasn’t in a rush, but asked him where his co-worker lived out of curiosity. Will said he wasn’t sure exactly where, but somewhere near the Katy Trail. As we got closer to the trail, I asked him what the address was. When he mentioned it, I exclaimed, “Oh! That’s the same apartment complex I used to live in!” He was very nonchalant about it so I just cracked it up to be a coincidence. As we were pulling up, he said his co-worker invited us up for some drinks beforehand, so Will chaotically parked and we headed towards the entrance. Since I’m familiar with the building, I was looking for his friend’s last name on the call box in order to buzz in, but Will just went around the front and entered the lobby. I told him that you have to get buzzed in in order for the elevator to work. He ignored me and found a maintenance man that he seemed weirdly familiar with. The nice man let us into the elevator and automatically hit “R” for rooftop. I thought, maybe we’re getting drinks up there? Or it’s something else?! We rode the elevator in complete silence as both our minds were racing. When the doors opened, I was greeted by rose petals that led to the spot where we first met and was surrounded by candles, pictures of us, and more roses. Will gave a sweet speech and popped the question. Some of our closest friends were hiding in the corner and brought out champagne for us after. We headed to the company party after where everyone was excited to congratulate us and partied the night away!


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | Stephanie Brazzle


He proposed where they first met

In April of 2019, Michelle and Julian were headed back to Stillwater, Oklahoma, where they attended college at Oklahoma State University. Michelle and her mom were going to a wine tasting event, and Julian was “golfing” at the country club where Michelle and Julian worked together in college. After the wine tasting, Michelle and her mom headed to the country club (Karsten Creek) to grab a drink with Julian, and the Uber took them to a lodge on the golf course. Michelle entered the lodge, and there Julian was standing with rose petals on the ground, candles and music playing where he proposed. After Michelle excitedly said YES, 30 of their closest friends and family came pouring in, and they celebrated all night long! It was the most fun night, and Michelle could not have been more surprised! The best part is that he proposed in the exact place where they met four years ago.


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | Jona Christina Photography


Engaged at Arizona’s Horseshoe Bend

On our way from Sedona to our AirBnB in Kanab, Utah, we stopped by an absolutely packed Horseshoe Bend to “see the bend near sunset” (which turned out to just be an excuse for Matthew to scope out the area for a perfect proposal spot). The next morning, we woke up at 3am to play with the dogs and pack for the day before we started on our 2 hour drive back to Page, Arizona. We arrived at Horseshoe Bend and were so excited to find that we were the first car in the lot. We made the 10 minute hike down to the observation area and enjoyed the the amazing view that we had all to ourselves. Eventually more and more people started showing up so Matthew suggested that we venture off the beaten path a little and get to a place where it was just the two of us for “pictures.” I found a spot for Matthew to take some pictures of me looking out over the river, and as I turned around, I saw Matthew down on one knee. At that moment, I could not believe what I saw and turned around and back to find Matthew still on one knee with a ring in his hand. The first words out of his mouth were “Livija, you need to promise me you aren’t going to fall backwards over the cliff…” This was the beginning of our newly engaged life.


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | Rebecca Langford Photography


Proposed at Disney World

Zach proposed to me at Disney World during Christmastime in December 2018. He took me to the Mickey’s Christmas Party event at Magic Kingdom and got us reservations to eat at Cinderella’s castle. After a romantic evening of being wined and dined, the rain started pouring at the park, so we went back to our resort room. I had a sore throat so I took off my makeup and put on pajamas. Zach made me some tea, brought it over and got down on one knee. He pulled out a ring pop asking me to marry him, and I said yes! Then he pulled out my real engagement ring and I was shocked. We were so excited – we jumped up and down on our bed (don’t tell the Disney staff, lol)! We celebrated the next day with brunch at Beauty and the Beast’s castle and lots of epic photos.


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | Tracy Enoch


He planned the proposal with the bride’s twin sister

Stephen spent weeks plotting with my twin sister, Marcela, and friends to plan the perfect proposal and surprise engagement party! My friend Sana told me she was throwing her boyfriend a birthday dinner at The Crescent Club. Sana, Marcela, and I all got ready at Marcela’s apartment, where she did our makeup and hair for the alleged event. Marcela is a talented makeup artist so it was normal for her to do my glam for events. Stephen was to meet us at Marcela’s apartment which he had never been to. He called me to say he was dropped off behind Marcela’s apartment and he needed us to let him in. There is a park behind Marcela’s apartment and when we found him he was waiting on a bridge. At this point I realized what was happening and grabbed his arms because I was shaking! The moments after that are kind of a blur, but I know he asked me to marry him (making me the happiest woman in the world) and I had a gorgeous ring on my finger! After that he and my friends led me to the Crescent Club where our closest friends and family were waiting to congratulate us! Side-note, LSU had also just beat Bama. Geaux Tigers! The night could not have been more perfect.


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | Kimberly Harrell Photography


4th of July engagement

We go to my family’s lake house for the 4th of July every year, so it wasn’t unusual when Austin suggested we go there for the 4th this year, too. Little did I know, Austin had been planning for months to make this one of the most special days of our lives. While my mom, sisters and I went into town to pick up some fireworks, Austin and my family (dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins) were back at the lake setting up the perfect proposal scene. Austin built a gazebo that he strung with hundreds of lights and placed flowers all around. When we returned to the house, my dad escorted me down to the water, where I saw Austin standing under the gazebo. He popped the question, and I sobbed a big “YES!” When we turned around, I noticed that Austin arranged for both of our families to be there to enjoy the moment with us, and they were all sitting behind the trees watching. We ended the night popping off fireworks in celebration!


Saturday, February 8th, 2020


photo | Laning Photography


He proposed at a waterfall in Hawaii

It was after six years together, during a romantic dinner at Uchi that Kerry surprised me with tickets to Hawaii. Of course I had a small suspicion of what was to come since Hawaii was the destination of his dream vacation. Once in Oahu on the LuLumahu Hike, we trekked through lush forests and streams to arrive at a beautiful secluded waterfall. Kerry asked me to sit on the biggest boulder in front of the waterfall for a “photo” and proceeded to kneel down. He pulled a delicate handcrafted wooden box from his pocket and asked me to marry him. The ring was a rose gold sapphire solitaire with a hidden under halo on a thin diamond band. The sapphire was breathtaking and so unique with a gorgeous deep peacock blue green color. Of course, I said yes!