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Before I Do



photo | Perez Photography


Got engaged on the same date as her parents

From the groom: I began planning the proposal after Carly left to go back to TCU. I had asked her dad for his permission to marry her in late August. The only thing I knew about the proposal is that I wanted it to be a surprise. Carly loves surprises (as long as she is the one doing the surprise), so I thought she would appreciate a surprise of her own.

When I approached her dad to ask for his permission to propose to his amazing daughter, I had a few dates in mind for when I would like to pop the question, but one date stuck out in mind and I could not figure out why. Once her dad and I started talking about the proposal, he asked if I had any date ideas, and I mentioned the date that I ultimately settled on: October 28, 2017. After a pause, he brought to my attention that this specific day is the same day he proposed to Carly’s mom 27 years prior; I had no idea. I didn’t need to hear anymore, that was the date. We lost Carly’s mom just over a year ago, and I wanted to honor her mom’s memory in this way.

A couple of months later, I had the proposal planned out exactly as I wanted. For two weeks leading up to the proposal, I began writing a letter to Carly to read when I proposed. I knew that I would be nervous and forget everything if I didn’t write it down, so I penned everything I wanted her to know. I wanted it to be intentional so that she would understand how much I love her and also have something to go back and read whenever she wanted.

The day finally arrived and I was more nervous than ever. I had been coordinating with one of Carly’s friends at TCU, and she helped me get Carly to the nail salon the day prior and ultimately to the proposal site – The Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth. I had written a note to Carly explaining what was going to happen. After reading the note, she rode to the proposal spot. I was standing at the top of the steps under one of the arches at the Kimbell when I saw her step out of the car; she looked beautiful, and it didn’t take me long to spot that gorgeous smile on her face. She finally got to me, and I took her hand and began reading the letter. After I finished, I set the note down, got down on one knee, looked into her beautiful blue eyes, and asked her to marry me. Before I could even finish the question, she was already saying “YES!” I have never been more excited for my future!