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Cultural Wedding Customs

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Most of us have all heard “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue,” as one of the most popular wedding traditions.

What about jumping the broom? In African tradition, jumping the broom is a symbol of sweeping away the old and welcoming the new. It represents a time when the vows of slaves were not legally recognized.

At the end of a Jewish ceremony, the groom smashes a glass with his foot while the guests shout, “Mazel Tov!” Among many interpretations of this custom, most say that the shattered glass is a reminder of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.

In many Indian weddings, mehndi, or henna, can be seen on the hands and feet of the bride and groom. Mehndi signifies the strength of love in a marriage. The darker the mehndi color, it is believed, the stronger the love and bond between the couple.

We love the idea of embracing your family’s background and incorporating cultural traditions into your wedding day. It’s a special way to personalize your soiree, following handed-down rituals from around the world. Add some international flair, or just a simple family tie-in, to make your wedding uniquely yours. We’d love to hear from you! What customs or traditions will you include in your upcoming wedding?

Photos by: Top Left-Humza Yasin Photography, Top Right-KJ Images, Bottom Left-Humza Yasin Photography, Bottom Middle-Holland Photo Studio, Bottom Right-Holland Photo Studio