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Before I Do


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photo | Brooke Taelor Photography


I’ve lived in Denton for almost 10 years and it’s where my fiancé and I met, playing music together in the wonderful, music scene here. However, I am originally from New England, and my parents and siblings all still live in Connecticut, about 2,000 miles away. I don’t see them often, usually once a year if I’m lucky. Last December, Andrew took me on a trip back up North to see them, and I didn’t suspect a thing, just thought it was great that we’d both get to decorate the Christmas tree together and spend time with my grandmother, who is slowly and sadly drifting into the fog of Alzheimer’s. One morning, he woke me up to go get coffee and a bagel (of course!) and he brought me to the historic town Greene for a walk (it’s like, the Denton Square). It’s where I graduated high school, saw many concerts, met my prom dates and had my first job. It should be noted that it was 12 degrees outside and Andrew is from El Paso! He sat me down on a bench, then he got down on one knee and said, “Heyyyy Katrinaaaa…?” And the rest, of course, was a dreamy blur. The most memorable part was bursting through the door to tell my family and my grandmother being completely lucid. As the disease takes hold, the moments of clarity are more and more rare. That morning, she was 100% there, and she was so happy! It was an incredible moment that I’ll always cherish, especially since she’ll be too ill to make it to the wedding. Then we went for a family walk on the frozen beach and Andrew vowed never to leave Texas again, ha! We can’t wait to get married in May! Thanks for reading!