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The Ins and Outs of Planning an Out-of-State Wedding

The staff of Wedlink Media is booming with brides-to-be, as well as a couple of newlyweds! Working in an industry where they’re in-the-know on all things weddings has its advantages when it comes to planning the big day. In this video, Wedlink Media Account Executive Quincy talks about planning her out-of-state wedding and the perks and challenges of planning a wedding from afar.

Since You Got Married Out of State, Did You Feel It Was Important to Have a Wedding Planner?

“I got married in Arizona, so I wasn’t very familiar with the vendors or venues. My wedding planner really helped me get my vendor team pulled together and helped me make those connections, so I was really grateful in that regard.”

What Was the Easiest Thing to Accomplish Planning Your Wedding From Afar?

“The easiest thing was probably the mentality of not having to stress about the wedding planning process because I wasn’t physically there to be really hands-on. I was able to go about my day-to-day life during the week and dedicate weekends to going home and really putting my energy and effort into planning. Coming back home and almost being removed from it and not having to worry or stress because there’s only so much you can do from a distance was probably the best thing.”

What Was the Most Difficult Thing to Accomplish Planning Your Wedding From Afar?

“The most difficult part is the fact that you aren’t there, so you can’t really be as hands-on as you might like. It’s a lot of communicating via email and phone. If you’re more of an in-person interaction type of person and want to see things like your invitations in print and what they look and feel like, you have to really dedicate time to going home and setting up those meetings, either cramming them all into one weekend or spreading them out over a few.”

Any Advice for Couples Planning From Afar?

“My advice to couples planning from afar is to really just enjoy the experience and make weekend trips to where you will be getting married. Have fun with it and make it a vacation, but also spend the time to get those in-person meetings in to feel like you’re getting the full experience.”

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